
Menopause in women. When, How and Why of Menopause

Women are born with a specific number of eggs in their ovaries that produce two hormones, progesterone and oestrogen, which help regulate menstruation and ovulation. By the time we approach menopause, the ovaries have decreased their production of these hormones. When your ovaries stop producing eggs and you stop menstruating, that is called menopause.

The thing that women love about menopause is that there are no more periods! The menstrual cycle becomes irregular as we near menopause—it's reaching the 12-month marker to make it official. Menopause refers to the time period where you have no periods consecutively for 12-months. The change in menstrual cycle is unique for every woman and can consist of many symptoms of menopause. Ranging from hot flashes to vaginal dryness, there are many ways to start the journey. Seek help from Top Gynecologist in Jaipur for your menopause period. Women often don’t take advice from the doctor during the onset of menopause, which should be avoided, and instead should seek consultation with the doctor.


What Are the Three Stages of Menopause?

The permanent ending of the menstrual cycle that doesn’t happen because of any medical condition is called natural menopause. It follows three gradual steps:

1. Perimenopause:

o   It can begin 8 to 10 years before the onset of menopause, when the ovaries produce less oestrogen gradually.
o   Usually, it starts when you are in your 40s.
o   It lasts up until the menopause, when the ovaries stop releasing eggs
o   At this stage, women may experience menopause symptoms
o   The drop in estrogen increases in the last one or two years of perimenopause
o   You are still having menstrual cycles at this stage and can get pregnant

2.  Menopause:

o       o   It is the point where your menstrual cycle stops.
o   In menopause, your ovaries have stopped producing oestrogen and releasing eggs.
o   Consult with Best Gynaecologist in India to know when you are diagnosed with menopause and          how it will affect your health.

3.  Postmenopause:

o        This refers to the period of time when you haven’t had a period for a year or the rest of your life after menopause.

o        Some menopausal symptoms might get better during this stage.

o        In cases of low estrogen levels, people may experience certain health risks at this stage, like heart disease or osteoporosis.


What is the Age of Menopause in Women?

However, the transition begins around the mid-40s. The average age of menopause is 51.

Signs and symptoms of Menopause

-                      Hot flashes (a sudden warm feeling that washes over your body)

-                      Night sweats

-                      Vaginal dryness

-                      Need to pee urgently and frequently

-                      Difficulty sleeping

-                      Changes in emotional patterns

-                      Dry skin, eyes, or mouth

-                      Tender breasts

-                      Irregular periods, where periods are higher or lighter than usual

The reason for these symptoms is the hormonal changes in a woman’s body. Also, some women can experience intense symptoms of menopause, while others can have mild symptoms. Contact the Best Gynecologist In Jaipur to ensure the symptoms are related to menopause or another health problem.


Why Does Menopause Occur in Women?

Natural menopause, or menopause on its own, is a normal part of ageing. In the absence of any surgery or medical condition that may stop bleeding, such as hormonal birth control, radiation therapy, or surgical removal of your ovaries, menopause is defined as a year without menstrual bleeding.

As you age, your regenerative cycle starts to dial back and get ready to stop. Since puberty, this cycle has been running continuously. Your ovaries produce less estrogen as menopause gets closer. At the point when this abatement happens, your feminine cycle (period) begins to change. It may begin irregularly before ceasing.

As your body adjusts to changes in hormone levels, you may also experience physical changes. The side effects you face during each phase of menopause (perimenopause, menopause, and postmenopause) are essential for your body's acclimation to these changes.



On the off chance that any of your postmenopausal side effects annoy you or keep you from carrying on with your day-to-day routine, contact Gynecologist Near Me to talk about conceivable therapy. They are able to confirm that you are in postmenopause and have completed menopause.

Among the possible inquiries are:

•             Are these side effects typical for individuals in postmenopause?

•             Is there treatment for my side effects?

•             Is hormone therapy still a possibility?

•             How might I feel quite a bit better?

In order to rule out a serious medical condition, Book Doctor Consultation Online on the Health Gennie app if you experience any vaginal bleeding during postmenopause.


Does Your Eye Health Improves With Tobacco Consumption. Yes or No?

Not only does cigarette consumption cause cancer, but long-term consumption can also lead to loss of eyesight. It is clear from the many studies that have come out on the subject that people who smoke are at an increased risk of developing cataracts as compared to non-smokers. Consuming tobacco for 5 or 10 years affects eyesight, which can lead to loss of eyesight.

Everyone knows that tobacco consumption can cause fatal diseases like cancer, but tobacco also has a negative effect on the eyes; we have to understand this too. Like the lungs and heart, its consumption is also harmful to the eyes.

Its consumption can cause many diseases related to the eye. Even the eyesight can go. It is best to consult with best ophthalmologist in Jaipur to know what smoking can do to your eyesight. It has been revealed in a study that consumption of tobacco has started causing cataracts even at a young age, whereas it is a problem that occurs at an older age.

Keep Your Eyes Healthy with These Habits:

  • To keep the eyes healthy, stop using tobacco. Drink about three litres of water daily.
  • Take fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins, omega fatty acids, proteins, and antioxidants in the diet.
  • Do eye exercises like moving the eyes up and down, moving around. If the screen time has increased, use a good lubricant.

Earlier, cataracts used to affect the elderly, but now the youth are also falling into its grip.

Up to 50 Percent of Cataract Patients Are Coming Out

Cataract is the biggest reason for loss of eyesight, and 40 to 50 percent of these people are its victims. The most important thing for prevention is timely examination and treatment of the eyes. The best ophthalmologist doctors in Jaipur said that most people believe that smoking is harmful to their health as it increases the risk of cancer and other lung diseases. But did you know that smoking addiction can also make you blind? Yes, excessive smoking affects the eyes and many other parts of the body as well. Let us tell you how cigarettes and other tobacco products are affecting your eyes.

Decreased Moisture in the Eyes

Many of the oxidants present in cigarettes damage the eyes. The goblet cells of the conjunctiva can be damaged by chemicals in tobacco smoke that are toxic to the eyes of smokers. Because of which moisture remains on the surface of the eye. Similarly, the carbon particles present in the smoke can get deposited on the eyelids. Due to this, the moisture and wetness of the eyes can end. If it persists for a long time, there is itching in the eyes, and there may be blurring of vision. It can lead to loss of eyesight too.

Higher Risk of Developing Cataracts

People who consume tobacco frequently are at higher risk of developing cataracts than others. Connect with eye specialist in Jaipur for cataract surgery. Several studies have shown that smokers have twice the risk of macular degeneration than non-smokers. The ability to see clearly depends on how well these parts work together. Vision is the ability to use both eyes together to produce an image.


It gradually breaks down the cells that make up the nerve in the eye to send visual information to your brain, also known as the optic nerve. Usually beginning with the side vision, the cells that die vision are also lost slowly. The reason why people are unaware that they have glaucoma is because it is not noticeable until a large amount of nerve damage has occurred in the eye.

What Can I Do to Prevent Vision Loss?

Building healthy habits can lead to healthy eyesight. The following tips can help lower the risk of vision loss:

- Stop smoking

- Eat green vegetables, fruits, and foods that contain vitamin C and E

- Staying active

- Visit your eye professional on a regular basis

Benefits of Quitting Tobacco

  • After 12 minutes, the level of carbon monoxide in the blood starts becoming normal.
  • After 20 minutes, the increased heart rate and blood pressure during smoking start returning to normal.
  • From 2 days on, the smell and taste start to feel as the nerves start repairing themselves.
  • After 1 month, the lungs start repairing themselves, the cough starts reducing, and breathing also becomes easier.
  • After 1 year, the risk of heart disease decreases and fertility increases.
  • After 5 years, blood circulation in the arteries improves, and the risk of many types of cancer decreases.

Here Are Some Eye Care Tips:

To make sure you are looking your best, take note of the following tips:

- Consume a nutritious and well-balanced diet

- Maintain a healthy weight

- Wear sunglasses

- Avoid smoking

- If you wear eye contacts, take preventive measures to avoid eye infections

- Make sure your eyes get enough rest


In conclusion, it is evident that tobacco poses a significant threat to eye health. The harmful chemicals in tobacco smoke can damage various structures of the eye, leading to vision problems and potentially irreversible conditions such as cataracts, macular degeneration, and optic neuropathy. Second-hand smoke also poses a threat, particularly to children and non-smokers. Quitting smoking and preventing exposure to tobacco smoke are crucial steps in preserving your vision and helping you lead a vibrant life. On Health Gennie, you can find the best doctors to consult about your problems from the comfort of your home. 

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